
Aloha, and welcome to Devine Massage!

Let me tell you a little bit about myself.  I have always felt a calling to comfort, and ease others' pain.  I see each person as an individual; not their job, their social status, their political position or religious beliefs, but a unique individual deserving of care, comfort and relief.  I hope to use my training and skill as a massage therapist bring each person I meet the care, comfort and relief they need.


I trained in the 720 hour massage therapy course at The Connecticut Center for imageMassage Therapy (CCMT) in Newington, Connecticut; a fully accredited massage school. The only accredited massage school in Connecticut.  I took and passed the National Certification Exam for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and received my massage therapy license.  I started Devine Massage the same day I received my license notification.  As I was working to build my business, winter was approaching.  It had always been my dream to move to Hawaii.  So, before my business got off the ground, I made arrangements to take the Hawaii State Board exam, booked a flight, and moved to paradise.  I never looked back and never regretted my choice.

Mahalo for visiting, and have a great day.

Jean M. Devine